Urinary tract infection

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What's a UTI?

It happens when bacteria invade your bladder or urethra, which can cause some uncomfortable symptoms.

How to Tackle UTIs

The good news is you can kick those pesky bacteria to the curb. Here’s how:

  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water to help flush out those bacteria.
  • Antibiotics: Your doctor can prescribe these to tackle the infection.
  • Urinate After Intimacy: After intimate moments, be sure to visit the restroom to help prevent UTIs.
  • Cranberry Power: Some people find relief with cranberry juice, but it’s not a magical fix – it might help, though.

Prevention is Key!

To avoid UTIs in the first place:

  • Stay well-hydrated.
  • Always wipe from front to back.
  • Don’t hold in your urine when you have to go.
  • Skip those scented soaps and powders – they can irritate your urinary system.

UTIs can happen to anyone, and they’re totally treatable. If you suspect you have one, don’t hesitate to reach out to a healthcare professional. They’re here to help you get back to feeling your best!

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(302) 475-2010

